Weekly Backup in VPS Servers
The backup service could be ordered whenever you want and with any VPS server package deal irrespective of the Operating System or the Control Panel you have chosen. It takes only a few mouse clicks to do that and the additional service will be available both on the order page and in your billing Control Panel, so you could determine if you want weekly copies of your information to be kept from the moment you get the VPS or just during certain months. The upgrade may also be renewed at any time, so when you determine that you no longer need it eventually, it shall not be attached permanently to your package. Of course, it's always better to know that your website content is safely backed up and could be restored no matter what. You'll be able to get weekly backups not just as a standalone function, but also as a part of our Managed Services upgrade, which includes several web server management services.
Weekly Backup in Dedicated Servers
If you select one of our dedicated service, it shall take you only a few mouse clicks to include the backup service that we offer, so you won't need to be concerned about any vital data you have on the server. The upgrade includes fifty gb of disk space on a separate machine and goes through every week. You'll be able to get it along with the dedicated server and have backups from the very beginning or you can include it in an existing account from the billing Control Panel. The standard backups are also included within our Managed Services bundle, which will make the management of your dedicated server simpler given that it incorporates other useful functions too - OS updates, custom work from our administrators, etcetera. With a copy of your content kept safely and securely, you'll be able to develop your websites and keep them up-to-date at all times because you will always have a backup that could be restored in a matter of minutes if anything bad happens.